Housewife, cheapskate, crafter, mum. Trying not to go crazy, trying not to go broke.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Go Team!

 Ta Da!
I found this jacket in my team colour at the op shop for a few dollars, but I hate big brand names on clothes, so when I found out I would actually be able to see my team bout, I got to work! 
 I chopped up one of the Panda's freebie (from some supplier) t-shirts, and covered the big logo across the back.  Next, inspired by Wendy's pillowcase, and this tutorial, I used contact to mask my lettering (because I couldn't find waxed paper in the supermarket.)
 I squeezed my bottle of fabric paint into a spray bottle, added enough water to get it to go up the tube, and went crazy!  Then waited for it to dry, peeled off the contact letters, and heat set it in the drier.
 I'm pretty pleased with the result, and now I'm thinking... how cool would it look if I did my derby name (Screamstress - duh) on a black top, with RED paint!  Horrible!  Fantastic!

Footnote - I VERY carelessly left the spray bottle with black fabric paint in it, in the yard.  Of course I was punished when the spawn found it, and sprayed each other AND the house.  Now they have black blotchy faces and look like they have the plague!  I would have taken photos, but I was too busy having a fit...


  1. Awesome job. I'm loving it muchly.

    Leaving the paint out is a pretty big ooops... hope the spawns faces are starting to clean up. I too would have totally freaked out.

  2. I love it! It looks brilliant.
    Shame you didn't get a chance to get a pic of the paint mess, it would have made me feel better about my red permanent texta drawings all over the white carpet disaster.

  3. Your a bit clever and brave with the paint - all my escapades have left me with paint all over my face (it was emerald green and took a week to fade), the walls, the washing machine...... having fits of laughter at the thought of yours running round the yard painting each other. This is soooo much more fun when you don't consider that big adult word 'consequences'. Fab work - do the top red/black = fantastic


Hello! I love that you've had a rummage through - let me know your thoughts! Feel welcome to use the 'Anonymous' choice, but please leave your name, I have an overactive imagination!

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