Housewife, cheapskate, crafter, mum. Trying not to go crazy, trying not to go broke.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Four Things

I have enjoyed reading everyone's responses to Chunkychooky's meme, that I'm going to join in too.

4 Things I always carry
  1. Handkerchief
  2. Earrings
  3. Mobile Phone
  4. Muesli Bar
4 Things I have in my bedroom
  1. Sewing Machine
  2. Pile of To-Do sewing and craft projects
  3. Half read book on the night stand
  4. Mess which is Panda's fault

4 Things I would like to do but haven't
  1. Make a fabulous quilt just for myself
  2. Gain a sense of peace and stability about my financial situation
  3. Show the kids Australia
  4. Write a magnificent epic rivalling Dr. Zhivago or Anna Karenina

4 Things I often wonder
  1. What my life would be like if I was folding a different man's underpants
  2. If my children will be happy and successful
  3. If the neighbours can really hear me when I scream at the kids
  4. If I will be able to enjoy good health long enough to do and see the things I have dreamed of
So thats that.  Hope you enjoy reading!

    1 comment:

    1. "...if I was folding a different man's underpants." So beautifully put! I'm impressed that you're folding Panda's, especially if he keeps making a mess in your bedroom!


    Hello! I love that you've had a rummage through - let me know your thoughts! Feel welcome to use the 'Anonymous' choice, but please leave your name, I have an overactive imagination!

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